Thursday, December 8, 2011


Christmas is soon. Yay!!!!

My Mom and Dad better have got me a cool gift. Otherwise I would not like that!

Oh, sorry, I just got distracted by a song.

And I get candy on Christmas.

Monday, December 5, 2011

!!!Breaking News!!!!

Farting Aliens?

That's right!

We just discovered that Aliens talk by farting.

Oops! I just spoke in their language.

We do not know what planet they come from.

They are harmless, unless you have a bean farm.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Chickens Next Door

On my last blog, I wrote about the chickens that my dogs bark at. Continuing the story of the chickens...

That chicken is a news weather guy, because when it is foggy outside they make noise.

Next door they have cute chicks.

Oh, I Almost Forgot, I Have Two Dogs, Too.

Their names are Moses and Porkchop. Their nicknames are MoMo and Porkochopodopolous.

Funny Facts:
1. They bark at the chickens on our fence.
2. Also, my Dad hates the dogs when they bark and lick their butts.


Pretty Mose

Fluffy Mose

Porky Bryant

No Beard
Dapper Porky


A few days ago was Thanksgiving!

Here are a few things I am thankful for:

1. My parents
2. Toys
3. Stuffies