Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veteran's day!

Thank you Veterans for serving our country. I am honored that you risked your lives for America. Most of this is for you, Boppa. I watched a TV show about the Viet Nam War. I would not have liked to have been in that war.

Happy Birthday, Auntie!

Today is my Aunt Moo's Birthday. Yay!!! My present to her is to take her out to lunch. (I would love her, but she is too unavailable. Just kidding.) She has a dog named Olive. Olive is a white dog.

Monday, November 7, 2011

My News 11/7/11

I'm now collecting 1983 GoBots. They were made before Transformers, but they are like Transformers. I like GoBots because my Mom got one on ebay just like the one she had when she was 10 years old. They are metal and they are easier to transform than modern Transformers. I am going to find them on ebay. I will update my blog every time I get a new one.

Also today, did you hear about the Conrad Murray trial? Good that he went to jail! He should have been smarter for a doctor. Do you know who should also be going to jail? The Syringe!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My First Blog

Hello, it is me, Kent. I am now a blogger. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!

This blog is going to be about me.

My name is Kent. I am seven years old. I am home schooled. Homeschooling is fun. Public school is boring. I didn't learn anything in public school and also I never used the cafeteria. I always brought my own lunch.

I enjoy Home Schooling because I actually learn a lot more. In Public School, if I wanted to learn about Viet Nam, they would say, "Wait until 5th Grade!" But if I am Home School I can learn about it anytime and go to my Grandpa to learn about it because he was in Viet Nam.

I like to play video games.

My favorite color is red.

I want to be a writer when I grow up.

Please follow my blog to learn more about me and everything I like and to read some of my funny ideas.